Sunday 7 May 2017

May in Ms. Robinson's Classroom

Spring is finally here, bringing lots of birds, earthworms 
and blooming flowers.

This Month:
Character Education Trait: Integrity
“I will do the right thing even if no one is watching.”

May Special Days/Events
May 4th - DanceMania!
May 16th – Upper Canada Village Field Trip
May 17th – Jump Rope for Heart
May 23rd to June 5th – EQAO testing

Reading and responding to fiction, non fiction and poetry

Money – names and value of coins and bills; counting money
Geometry – flips, slides and turns
Number Sense
Multiplication and Division – learning how to use arrays to multiply and divide.
Multiplication is “groups of” or “rows of”
5x4 is 5 rows of 4

Division is “sharing”
If you share 12 stickers with 4 people, how many stickers will each person get?
Fractions (fractions are parts of a whole)

Science/Social Studies

Pioneers, Early Settlers and First Nations Peoples in Upper Canada, 1780-1850.