Wednesday 13 February 2019

It's February in Ms. Robinson's Classroom!

Hello February! There is so much going on this month!

February Classroom Reminders
Gym: Monday, Wednesday, Thursday
Library: Tuesday
Please make sure your son/daughter carries his/her library books
in a clean plastic bag.
Students must wear warm clothing to be able to play outside for recess. 
They must have indoor shoes to help keep our classroom clean.

February Holidays and Activities
February is Black History Month
February 2 – Groundhog Day
February 5 – Lunar New Year (Year of the Pig)
February 14 – Valentine’s Day
Febuary 14 – Family Dance 6pm-8pm ($2 each)
February 15 – P.D. Day (no school for students)

Read Alouds:
Black History

Students will work on recognizing and naming coins and bills 
and counting money up to $10.
Beginning: 2D and 3D Geometry 
Learning the names and characteristics of shapes and solids.

Forces Causing Movement
A force is a push or pull that causes objects to move
Friction, gravity, magnetism, static electricity