Sunday 7 January 2018

January in Ms. Robinson's Classroom!

HAPPY NEW YEAR!!  It’s 2018!

It’s the beginning of a new year, but the learning continues in grade 3!
In December, we learned all about Arctic animals like polar bears:

January Classroom Reminders:
Gym is Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday.

Library is Wednesday.
Students must always carry their books in a plastic bag.

Students need to dress for cold weather, including snowpants.

Students must have indoor shoes.

January Holidays and Activities
January 1st – New Year’s Day
January 8th – Back to school
January 26th – PA Day - No school for students
January 31st – Book Fair Browsing

Reading: All about winter, snowglobes, snowmen

The Snow Globe Family By Jane O'Connor 
Snowmen at Night By Caralyn Beuhner

Writing: All about winter; The life of a snowman; Imagine you are in a snowglobe;
Students will memorize and present winter poems

Completing: Measurement

Social Studies/Science
Completing: Living and Working in Canada

Beginning: Science- Forces that make objects move

*push, pull, magnetism, gravity, friction, static electricity*