Thursday 13 October 2016

October in Ms. Robinson's Classroom


Character Education Trait: Optimism
Choose to see goodness. Look on the bright side of things.

Special Days/Events: 
P.A. Day - Friday, October 7
Thanksgiving - Monday, October 10 
Halloween - Monday, October 31


We are going to learn all about BATS, just in time for Halloween. 
It will all begin with Stellaluna By Janell Cannon.

We will also read non fiction texts to learn more information about bats.

It's Autumn, so we are reading books about fall to get great ideas for Awesome Autumn writing. 

Data Management

Grade 3 
Venn diagrams, tally charts, pictographs, bar graphs, mode
Writing statements about data/information in graphs

Grade 4 
Pictographs, bar graphs, circle graphs, mode
Writing statements about data/information in graphs


Grade 3 - Forces
Forces make objects move. A force is a push or pull.
Friction, gravity, magnetism, static electricity

Grade 4 - Light and Sound
Light is natural or artificial. It travels in straight line. Different objects can absorb or reflect sound (take in light or light bounces off it).
Sound can be natural or artificial. Different objects can absorb or reflect sound  (make it softer or louder). 


Autumn Art lessons using crayons, paint and paper.